Made for live

HQartist is built to ease the process of day-to-day work as a booking agency and live entertainment companies.
It is designed to be user-friendly and transparent for everyone involved.

A Headquarter for you Booking Agency

Work smart, from anywhere.

Checklists & Contracts

Send and fill in checklists online. Create contracts directly from the checklist with one click.

Calendar management

Get all needed information in the calendar directly from checklists and contracts and work efficiently with your coworkers.


Paper is a thing of the past. Use online forms to fill and sign your checklists and contracts.
Download your signed contracts as PDF’s.

Create Your Own Templates

Import your contracts, riders, and specific terms to create contract templates in a few simple steps.


Communicate and work together with your team, from one personal user.


Manage and share the contact database with your coworkers.